Share Don’t Compare

This week I’ve been consumed with writing my first guest post, so I figured I wouldn’t have time to write anything new here.

But during my composition, my mind settled on Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

I couldn’t get this bit of Biblical wisdom out of my head, and all week I’ve been trying to figure out how it fits in with what I’m trying to express in my guest post.

Because I’m writing for someone else’s site, I want to get it right. I’m worried my words will be judged not good enough, and it makes me shrink back and hesitate to finish. What if I somehow get it wrong and screw up.

Then I stumbled across a writer with a brand-new blog who quoted the same verse, Proverbs 13:12 and capped her piece with this,

You say, “But what if I fall?” as Erin Hanson stated, “Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”

This made me realize I’m still struggling with the same issue of comparison that I wrote about in last week’s flash memoir from my childhood. I guess this proves comparison is a head game I will play all my life.

And my only weapon is the helmet of salvation that says I am enough because of the blood Jesus shed for all my inadequacies and failures.

The truth is we are all unique with important gifts and experiences God wants to use to build his kingdom.

So, there is no need to compare, but to share the gifts God has given others for the benefit of all.

How appropriate then, that the week I’m preparing my first guest post, I’m also sharing my first guest post on my own blog.

Readers, I encourage you to read the brand-new blog of Colette Allen, The Water I Give

and be strengthened to fight your own battle of comparison.

God loves you and longs for you to soar.

Thanks to Somin Khanna for her beautiful photo on Unsplash.

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10 Responses to Share Don’t Compare

  1. Linda Powers says:

    Perfect, as always. Very insightful. Thank you.

  2. Ann C. Averill says:

    Thanks as ever, Linda, for your continued encouragement. Glad it hit the spot. ☺️

  3. Collette Allen says:

    It is so easy to compare ourselves, but the truth as you stated is that we are all unique and there is room at the table for everyone. Thanks for the reminder to “Share” Don’t Compare. I appreciate you practicing what you preach by sharing a link to my page. The journey is so much better when we support each other.

    • Ann C. Averill says:

      Thanks for checking out my blog. We’re on the same team, and I wanted others to see your valuable insights and the lovely way you have of expressing them.

    • Lisa C. Banks says:

      I love your comment! “Share” Don’t Compare, takes my breath away, and it truly sums up how we are all unique. Therefore, we shouldn’t compare because God made each of us unique, and in his image. I love your words. ” The journey is so much better wen we support each other.” That is a wonderful affirmation. I send to you much love, and God bless you.

      • Lisa C. Banks says:

        My last post, I was talking about Collette Allen’s post above. I thought it was confusing, and I wanted to post to make sure she could see it and know, that I was referring to her post. Much love to you Collette. God bless you.

        • Lisa C. Banks says:

          Ann, I am so sorry if I left multiple comments, “laugh out loud”, I get so confused about technology. I need a degree in how to use Lisa’s computer. I get frustrated, and then I just mess everything up when I email or comment. Much love.
          Also, I will tell you my salvation story. It’s a long one so will just hit the highlights. Thank you for asking me to share that with you. Much love to you. God Bless you.

  4. Lisa C. Banks says:

    Ann, after reading what you write, it is so hard to compare because you are that good. I know that God works through your writing. In my opinion, I think you and what you write is just perfect. I’m so blessed to have met you, because I am also working on my first memoir book. I’m rambling on and on, but I just want you to know how precious you are and how special what you write is to me. When I read your blogs, I am truly blessed, and inspired, and your words touch my heart. I really want to express to you how just reading your words my life is better. I just really hope you know how special you are to me, and to everyone. Please, always remember that and be proud of what you write. Much love to you.

  5. Lisa C. Banks says:

    I love your comment! “Share” Don’t Compare, takes my breath away, and it truly sums up how we are all unique. Therefore, we shouldn’t compare because God made each of us unique, and in his image. I love your words. ” The journey is so much better wen we support each other.” That is a wonderful affirmation. I send to you much love, and God bless you.

  6. Ann C. Averill says:

    Thanks again for your encouragement Lisa. So glad my words have helped you. Just remember I am only relaying God’s truth and love. Ultimately he deserves your endless praise, and he’s the source of all the love and healing you feel from my posts.❤️

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